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Many of our valued clients use our internal NIEK procurement services as an extension of their own. Our procurement team offers the following services:

Water and Wastewater type

There are three types of wastewater, or sewage: domestic sewage, industrial sewage, and storm sewage. Domestic sewage carries used water from houses and apartments; it is also called sanitary sewage. Industrial sewage is used water from manufacturing or chemical processes.
Our engineers and scientists deliver interdisciplinary solutions to meet a wide range of client needs. Services include:
• Alignment studies
• Modeling
• Condition assessments/audit
• SSES investigations
• Inflow/infiltration analysis
• SSO/CSO evaluation/elimination
• Water quality and supply studies
• Sewershed studies
• Subsurface disposal systems
• Financial proforma
• Hydrogeological studies
• Booster and pump station design
• Subsurface utility engineering
• Transmission, collection and conveyance design
• Sludge treatment and disposal
• Industrial pretreatment
• Enhanced nutrient removal upgrades
• Regulatory strategies and negotiations
• NPDES permitting
• Mechanical/electrical engineering

In association with a number of reputable manufacturers, offers world-class parts and equipment at competitive prices.
We work very hard on your behalf to maintain and build relationships with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and their related distributors.